Bring The Soul: The Movie is the third documentary film directed by Park Jun-soo, featuring BTS. The film is co-produced by Big Hit Entertainment, and distributed by Trafalgar Releasing. It was limitedly released on August 7, 2019.

The film lasted around 103 minutes and the tickets went on sale on July 3. It was released to 110 countries around the world, the "widest-ever event cinema debut" in history. Following its release, it was reported that the movie has grossed $24.3 million in total.


Shining brighter than any light on the stage, now the group invite us behind the spotlight.On the day following the final concert of their Europe tour, on a rooftop in Paris, BTS tells their very own stories from experiencing new cities to performing in front of thousands of ARMY across the globe. A glimpse into BTS’ world away from the stage, featuring intimate group discussions alongside spectacular concert performances from the tour, this is a cinema event not to be missed.

The journey of BTS continues!

This special presentation also includes a sneak peek at the new film BREAK THE SILENCE: THE MOVIE.

It was the second movie I've watched of BTS. It shows the scenes behind the public camera. It's just unaccountable how much effort they've been putting on their dream. I really admire them. In my opinion, no one has the right to critize someone when they don't know anything about he or she. It's so rude to say horrible things about someone when you haven't even gone through things they have. During the movie, I saw how many times they nearly fainted because of the stress and how much they were working just to make our presence worth it. They made who they are today. They deserve it so much. I love BTS. BTS has changed people's mind and showed their support through everything (tweets, songs, speeches...)Their songs are a kind of remedy. 

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